Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Daily Earnings begin to Increase...finally!

I haven't been updating my daily earnings much this past month. They were pretty stagnant until a few articles started getting 1000+ hits. Here's the latest numbers:

7/14, $8.45/13=.65 avg. per day
7/15, $8.86/14=.63
7/16, $9.30/15=.62

This is my new rut, but at least it is getting me closer to my initial goal of earning $1/day publishing on Triond.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I now have 18 articles and I'm finally up to making 2 cents per day on average so far for the month of August. I started at the end of June, but have only been posting very sparingly.

Considering the difference in posts and views, I am not doing as badly as I thought.