Monday, July 13, 2009

Marketing Matters!

During the weekend, I made it my goal to take care of marketing my current articles. I completely took the focus off of writing new articles and to catch up with the cashe of published articles I have.

Marketing matters! It really does. I used Stumble Upon, Digg and Reddit and while I didn't get a ton done (the sites are slow and they only allow new people to link a few articles at a time), the difference over night has been noted. My typical earnings doubled. Instead of a .25 gain, it was a .50 gain. Not enormous dollars, but it does show how this works.

I've received a lot of comments from Triond friends about what works for them and what doesn't. For some, they don't have the time to devote to all the marketing sites I've listed above, so instead they market through Triond friends or their own email list or other Web sites with a common interest. Either way, it's marketing.

What have you done to promote your work? What works best for you? Share your ideas and I'll post them here!

Thanks for reading and keep writing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Anne,
I read your article over at Triond and clicked on your blog link. I like what you've done here, as I especially enjoy blogs where the author shares their experiences.

I was looking for the "Follow" button so that I could follow your blog--hope you will install it, so that I can keep abreast of your updates.