Friday, June 6, 2008

Daily Increases toward $1/day on Triond

In working toward the $1/day goal publishing with Triond, I want to watch how my income increases daily. My total for May was .68. I'm OK with that, it was the first month and I barely had any content published at that point (7 articles, so less than .10 for each that month).

For June, I'm looking to see if I can generate some time of report for the days...but here's what I remember:

6/2 $0.54
6/3 ?
6/4 $0.83 (.28/day)
6/5 $1.06 (.27/day)
6/6 $1.30 (.26/day)
6/7 (no new total posted)
6/8 $1.79 (.26/day)
6/9 $1.92 (.24/day)
6/10 $2.46 (.27/day)
6/11 $2.92 (.29/day)
6/12 $3.30 (.30/day)
6/13 $3.76 (.31/day)
6/14 $4.01 (.31/day)
6/15 $4.34 (.31/day)

I'll keep updating this entry each day to see how the daily amounts increase.

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