Friday, June 6, 2008

One Month and a Goal

I joined Triond May 2, 2008, to see if I could make any money publishing Internet content for others' Web sites. I'm still not convinced there's any money to be made. However, since I'm not working and just waiting around for school to start up again in the Fall, I figured I have very little to lose.

My first piece was published May 3.

My second piece published the next day, May 4.

So far, these two pieces have generated a total of .20. I'll start posting links to the articles so they are easy to find.

I've now, in just over a month, published 24 articles. My total for May wasn't much at .68, but so far for the first five days of June, I'm up to $1.30 or .26/day.

Here's my initial goal: I want to see what it takes to earn $1 a day on Triond. I'm currently uploading four to five articles a day and they are all getting accepted. I'm still learning how to use key words effectively to generate more traffic. The key to making more money with Triond is to get people to read my articles and click on the advertising links.

I'll keep posting about my progress and what I'm learning about making money online and using Triond as my publisher.


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